translated by Dr. Lim Siow Jin @2015 all rights reserved.
97. If energy and blood are weak, the exo energy failed to defence the exo-section, the ill factor will attack inward into intero section, then the defending energy will retreat to intero section and try to defend the body at below the ribs. The ill factor and the defence energy try to fight and overcome each other, this lead to the alternation of fever and chill at fix interval in the day. The patient is quiet but no appetite for food. When the ill factor acttack downward from the chest, the stomach will feel pain and nausea, this is known as ill factor at top but feeling of pain at below. Treat with Xiao Chaihu tang. If after consumption feel thirsty, the illness has attacked into the endo-yang, to be treated with endo-yang treatment.
Note: If illness entered into endo-yang, if no congestion of stool apply Baihu tang, if congestion of stool apply Chengqi tang.