Dear members,
please follow these rules when using this forum:
1. You are only allowed to make personal statements regarding healings (you can report about your own experiences or experiences of your accaintances). Please make no general healing statements and avoid instructions. Use wording like: try it, test it, delicious is, I like, in my case helpful was ...
2. Please respect the copyright of other websites! The written word belongs to the writer. You are not allowed to copy text passages from other websites and publish these in our forum. Please check the copyright (impressum) in advance. If you are not allowed to quote a text passage, you can report about what you read by using your own words. This rule is valid for foreign websites as well. We are not allowed to translate foreign text passages without prior authorization!
3. Please mention the source of your information! Some websites allow to use their links. In this case please use them!If we are not permitted to set a link please mention the name of the website without setting a link (don't use www. … but rather state a key word to be used to google it).
Please keep these rules!
Enjoy making use of our forum!!!
Your Soup Team