translated by Dr. Lim Siow Jin @2015 all rights reserved.
61. After wrong purging, continue to use wrong sweating, lead to weakness in yang energy, the patient is restless during day time and difficult to sleep. At night the patient become quiet, no vomit. no thirst, no exo syndrome like float pulse and headache, no high fever and the pulse is weak and deep. Treat with Ganjiang Fuzi tang.
Note: Both yin and yang disorder can lead to restlessness. So we need to analyse by elimination if exo-yang, pulse is float, body pain and headache, but here the pulse is deep and weak, so it is not exo-yang. If intero-yang, there will be strong nausea and vomit, no vomit here, so it is not intero-yang. If endo-yang the fever is high, here no high fever, so it is not endo-yang. If exo-yin, the restlessness is day and night, here at night it is quiet, so it is not exo-yin. If endo-yin, it is restlessness with diarrhea, here it is not mention, so presume so diarrhea, then finally we deduce it is intero-yin cases, where restlessness and quiet are alternating. Since it is yin disorder, we need to use warm herbs to boost the metabolism. Ganjiang is dried ginger and Fuzi is aconite, dried ginger to warm the upper body and aconite to warm the lower body. Aconite after boiling for 30 minutes it is safe to take.
Ganjiang Fuzi tang ------------------- Ganjiang 9g, Fuzi 9g, add to 600 ml water, boils at least 30 minutes to 200ml. Remove the boiled herbs and consume all in one taking.